arkadaşlar konuyla ilgili biraz araştırma yaptım servise gitmeden aşağıdaki bulgulara ulaştım:
TSI/TFSI motorlarda direkt enjeksiyondan dolayı rölantide dizel motor gibi ses çıktığına dair nette çok sayıda video var .. ama benim rölantide -motor bölmesinden degilde- arka arka sağ koltugun ayak basma yerinde yogunlaşan hırlama sesinin daha önce geldigini hatırlamıyorum.
buna benzer en uygun buldugum mesajda vatandaşın biri sesin yerini tespit edip kendisi (benzin hattında) nasıl kestigini anlatmış linki :
bunun dışında çözüme ulaşanlar
1) Breather valve! The dealership had one on hand and that did the trick. No more screeching whine when the car is in idle. I'm not sure if the breather valve is another name for the much maligned diverter valve. Anyway they said it is located next to or behind the engine intake. I haven't gone looking yet so I'm not sure. Hope this helps!
2) it was the water? pump failing. dealer replaced it and now everything's ok. the sound is gone for good. take your car in.
3) It wasn't the water pump, pcv valve or HPFP, and the noise is NOT normal. Took my car to the dealer. They had it for three days and narrowed down the noise to the plastic thing (don't know the name) that covers the auxiliary coolant pump, below the intake manifold. They replaced that cover and voilá, the noise is gone (for now...) It seems that the cover somehow sucks air and then releases it through a tiny hole. Well, that tiny hole, the dealer said, was clogged. Don't know the part number but i will post a picture of it in the morning.
4) its the idler bearing on the water pump...a known problem on alot of TSI motors..
good news is VW knows about it so you shouldnt have any problem getting it serviced